Set Up FAQ

How do I buy a website?

Contact me and I will send you an invoice for the website build, and an easy sign up link to Website Care Club.

What's included in the Set Up?

The Full Setup Service includes all setup required to get your new site ready to launch.

I will: Setup your website, add your logo & colors, input your text, photos, and other content, connect your social media accounts, and optimise your site for search engines.

Do I need to buy my own hosting?

No you don’t. Premium hosting is included in your monthly subscription.

What if I've bought my own domain already?

That’s fine. we can leave it where it is and I’ll change some settings on it to point over to your new website.

Will my website include SEO?

Yes definitely – your website will come Search Engine Ready.

It’s always been a massive bug bear of mine that some companies will make you a website but include no SEO – which for a small local, service based business is useless.

Part of the booking in process is me asking you for your services and locations so we can give your new website the best chance to rank in Google.

* I do not guarantee ranking in Google as anyone who does that is a liar and well dodgy. If you’d like to check out some of my reviews on FACEBOOK you can see the results I get for my clients.

SEO is a big old pie, and there’s lots of things you can do to help your website rank. I include a helpful PDF detailing these for you.

What about GDPR?

GDPR is different for every business so I don’t write your policies for you.

Having a policy page and a cookie plugin installed if you need one is included in every build.

Will my website be secure?

Yes definitely. All Ready Steady WUF websites come with an SSL security certifcate installed the cost of which is included in your monthly subscription.

Design FAQ

Can I use my own logo?

Yes, absolutely!

Not only do we add your logo but we change the a colours on the website to match this.

Can you make me a logo?

I can but it will cost extra, I’m happy to CHAT ABOUT IT!

Do I have to have the same colours on the template?

No, part of the website build is changing the colours to suit your brand and business.

Can I change the images on the templates?

Yes definitely, that’s what these templates are made for. However, if you don’t have any images of your own you are welcome to leave them in there.

Can I change things on my website myself?

No, but let me tell you why.

The framework I use is an advanced one, and the templates are built by myself using this. Having worked with many clients now on their bespoke website builds I very quickly realised that it is much quicker and easier for me to make the changes for you.

The idea of this service is for me to handle all the tech and digital stuff for you so you can go off and grow your business having total peace of mind that everything website side is taken care of.

This will give you more time to do things like; posting on social media, setting up a newsletter, writing your blog posts and all those things that are really essential for your business but very time consuming.

All of my website clients are on my monthly care plan, and they constantly tell me how much they love it.  Check out what they say HERE

Can I link my social media profiles?

Absolutely, this is part of every build.

Pricing FAQ

How much is a website?

The cost is a one off website build payment of £1500 and then a monthly subscription of £150.

When do I sign up to the monthly subscription?

The monthly subscription starts in the second month after you have purchased your website.

There’s an easy sign up page I will send you.

How do I pay for bolt ons?

Once you have purchased your website I will get you booked in and set up and you can let me know if you’d like any extras and I’ll invoice you for them separately.

How long is the monthly subscription for?

The monthly subscription is for a minimum of 12 months. After that you are free to leave, but I hope you will love your Ready Steady WUF website and the service that I offer and want to stay!

If your question isn’t answered above please send me a message!